Blogging Again!

It has been a very long time since my last post, but here we go again.

There is no excuse really, it is about discipline, not about lack of material, so instead of looking backwards, let’s re-start blogging!

But first, let us switch platforms 😊. Until today I had my blog on (, the free tier, and while that worked I really prefer to have more control, and specially having everything from my own domain instead of a redirect (not that it’s not possible on, just not on the free tier).

Last month, to setup my son’s website, I spent some time researching on platforms, CMS, static generators and similar technologies, and something really stuck with me, about the advantages of an static site from this Pluralsight course.

With that in mind, I started researching alternatives, starting on the great information available here, I tried Next.JS, Jekyll and Hugo. By trying, I mean I set those up, created a basic blog, setup a theme, added a post, and explored how to setup CI/CD, and finally decided on Hugo.

While the documentation is not that good, the YouTube videos are great, very well organized, and the available themes, most of which are free, are great. Setting up CI/CD was very easy with GitHub actions and documenting my boy’s racing career became as easy as I wanted it.

Now, about my blog, migrating the WordPress content to Hugo was easy enough, since WordPress allows to export all the content including images, and then converting the exported blog posts to Hugo’s md was done by using this script.

After a couple of hours adjusting links and images, it was all set, hosted on GitHub pages, and ready to re-start adding blog posts, so let’s do it!