Missing management server delegation, 401 error and 403.14 error when deploying a new IIS7.5 for Web Deploy and ASP.NET MVC 2/3

Last night I was setting up a new box for a web site migration and lost a lot of time with that 3 issues.

I used Web Platform Installer to setup most of the server hoping that it will leave everything working as expected, however I found that is not the case.

First I needed to setup the Web Deploy service to install the web application from visual studio, however the Web Platform Installer leaves a few things missing when it deals with the Web Deploy.

Missing Management Server Delegation icon Link to heading

The first problem I found is that when following the instructions to setup the web deploy service http://learn.iis.net/page.aspx/516/configure-the-web-deployment-handler/ , in the Part 2, there must be a Management Service Delegation icon, however it wasn’t present in my box. After trying the add role features and looking around in the forums I found out that the setup from WPI fail to install that component.

Solution: Download the setup, choose add features and select all, or uninstall and reinstall selecting complete.

401 error when deploying from Visual Studio Link to heading

After finishing the setup procedure for Web Deploy I tried to setup the application from visual studio, however I keep getting http 401 errors. This time the forums didn’t helped. All the posts are related to not following the instructions for the web deploy setup but I even repeat the process from the start and no luck.

It turns out that the client machine was using web deploy 1.0 while the server was with the 2.0 version. Updated the client with WPI and voila.

403.14 error when accessing the MVC application Link to heading

Finally the application deployed from Visual Studio, everything seems fine but the application gives a http 403.14 error. Again the forums offer little help suggesting reinstalling the static content compression feature and things like that, however at the third page of results in BING I found the solution:

C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\aspnet_regiis -i